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Howard Dean's Bat.

And his blog. He's trying to raise $250,000 before midnight on Monday, July 28th. You can check out the Bat Status on the home page.


Those marketing people on the Dean campaign saw that putting that status page helped them raise more money.

It means nothing to me and I could care less if he reaches some artificial goal.

He is a pretty weak candidate. I heard him speak at JFK museum in Boston and he;s no JFK.

The memorable line he said was, "I'm not afraid of taxes."

Well, I hate taxes and am not interested in a tax and spend Democrat taking office!

Steve, you know better than to start a political discussion with me. It's why we're still friends. :-)

think he'll make it? cool to find another josh that blogs! keep it up!

No, I don't think he'll make it.

I think Hillary Clinton will enter the race later on, even though she denies it.


No, I don't think he'll make it.

I think Hillary Clinton will enter the race later on, even though she denies it.


The race for Granite State Democrats, now largely a contest between the Massachusetts senator and former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, would quickly become a Clinton-Dean race with Clinton favored by 27 percent of voters and Dean by 23 percent, according to a new poll of likely voters by The Boston Herald.


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health care
the war in iraq

thank's for you help