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Welcome Steve.

Steve has been a long time fan (first time caller?) of Joshua.com and will be occasionally contributing to this site. Let's all give Steve a big round of applause as we welcome him to this site.



I'd like to thank the Academy, and my mother and father, without whom none of this would be possible.

Well, not the Moveable Type Blogging part, but the me typing on the keyboard part.

My father always wanted me to take typing lessons in High School so if I ever got drafted, I'd be able to work in an office and not get shot at.

So I ended up taking a typing class during first period, but missed about half the classes, because I always came in late to school.

I was usually late because I worked a job that I had right after school until 10:00 at night. They put me on the schedule for 2:30 but I got out of school at 2:30. I told my boss that I couldn't get in at 2:30. He said to get in as soon as I could.

Anyway, I usually slept late and missed the bus, so I drove my father to work and then took the car to school. Oh that car was nice! It was a 67 Pontiac Tempest.

I missed first period and second period was a study hall. I never got detention though because the teacher in charge was also my Calculus teacher and she liked me.

So based on that typing class I learned where all the keys were, but I now type with three fingers on each hand and I look at the keys.

I lost all my other fingers in a farming accident.

Not really.

I have all my fingers, but they just hang to the side when I type.

Thanks Joshua for letting me type here!